Ether 12:27

And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness.
I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my
grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me;
for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me,
then will I make weak things become strong unto them.
-Ether 12:27

Monday, October 20, 2014

"Angels We Have Heard on High"

Empenadas yummmm :)

With our cute little member,Sandra, who goes out on her mission this next month!!

The cutest fuzziest cat!!!

Mission life.....
Well first off congratulations Uncle Lance!!!! I wish I could have been there for the wedding! I am sure it was beautiful!!
All the single Ladies!!!! hahahaha the best zone!! ZONA EL ORO!!! :)
Hey so sending pictures took forever but I tried to send them as fast as I could. And I love ya all tons. But I wanted to tell you all a really funny story of the week.
The baptism of Clarita España and her friends from Aurora who introduced her to the church Elias and Nelly

Hermana Arellano and I with Herman Clarita
So this week we had the baptism of Clarita and we had the recent convert Carlos baptize her and he was beyond nervous and so was she but during the baptism the person has to be fully immersed in the water. Well the water was really low and as you can see in the photos Carlos is really tall and well it just didn`t turn out as planned and she had to enter the water four times haha. But after the second time we had to take a pause in the baptism and fill the font a little more and she had to wait in the water freezing to death and the people had to wait another 15 minutes and while they were waiting another sister started leading hymns and sang songs but for some reason they felt the need to sing hymns for Christmas...I almost died laughing. So here we are pouring water in the font as fast as we can while Clarita is freezing to death while they are singing angels we have heard on high. I almost died.... Hahaha best baptism of my mission... But it all turned out well and the spirit was good.
With the Aguilar Family this past sunday! Man I love this family so much!
Anway I hope you all have a good week! Love ya tons!
In our sector there is a huge ship hahaha and we had some fun taking pitures :)
Hermana Pack

ESO! My name finally spelled correctly haha! See above me!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Man are we so LUCKY!

A turtle hahaha! the member just had their pet turtle roaming their house like a pet cat or something haha! it killed me!
 Hey!                                                                                        Oct. 6
What an amazing weekend we all were able to have no? Conference was great. The last session this Sunday really just had an amazing impact on me. I just am grateful that we have a living prophet and apostles. We are so blessed. I really felt that the theme of the conference  was the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Man are we so LUCKY!
A parrot that kept repeating " Que rico!" hahaha it was so cute!!
Right now I am in Boyaca with Hermana Arellano still in Machala and I love being with her! She is great! She is from Chile. She is my first companion from Chile and she is always cracking me up. She knows a ton of English hahaha and her accent kills me. She goes home in this next transfer! I would love to be her last companion here in the mission but I am not sure if I will get to have the opportunity to do so!
This last week I was able to do exchanges with the other hermanas of my zone with Hermana Garcia and it was really fun. I got to see Guabo which is a little city outside of Machala and it was a really great experience. While I was out there we were able to teach a family whose father was less active and it was really cool to feel the spirit pour out throughout the lesson. The spirit was so strong. It strengthened my testimony of the small things like family prayer and family home evening.

 The Women's Conference here in Machala, with some of the people I taught while I was in Lilian Maria that got baptized after I got transferred. It was bitter sweet to see them:)
This weekend I was able to see a lot of my converts in Lilian Maria and in Aurora here in Machala for the conference and it was such a great blessing. I am so grateful to be here. I love the mission so much. It amazes me how many people we have had influences on and often times we don`t even know how much of an influence we are. I just love how great God is. 
He has such a huge plan for all of us. He knows what we need and exactly what we are going through. I hope all of us are able to understand this. Often times we have no idea what the plan is. and Sometimes we never will know what he has instore but we can never forget that He is in everything. 
I am so grateful for my time here in Ecuador and it is crazy to think that this was my last conference here in Ecuador totally in Spanish. It made me cry to think about it while I was sitting in the stake center in Machala.  I just love it here so much. Thank you so much for your prayers and sorry for those whom I haven`t written individually! I promise next week! And please forgive me!
Hermana Pack
The baptism of Livia Soto hahaha this girl just cracks me up!
With Elder Moya and Elder Baird and Hermana Herrera in Guyaquil for consejo.

Hey,                                                               Oct. 13
How has everything been??
This week has been an adventure with my companion! I love being with Hermana Arellano! She is great. haha. But this week has been good one. We apparently haven´t paid our light bill in three months so we have been without light for three days so that has been fun. We have been living with the other girls in Aurora for three days. haha But today we went back to our house to clean it and our fridge and freezer had unthawed and well that was great.... Our house was flooded...... Awesome..... so it has been a day of cleaning hahaha but we also went out and explored our sector today and we found some sweet stuff it was soo cool!! We found an adorable dress for my companion for when she gets home. Which is in a couple of weeks. I can`t believe how fast the mission blows by..... AHHH. haha.
My lunch in Guabo when I went on exchanges with Hermana Garcia to get to know her sector this last week!
So this week has really been crazy. It has been centered on the plan God has for us the Plan of Salvation. God really does have an amazing plan for all of us.  Because death isn`t something sad. Because God has made a plan and a pathway in which we will be able to see all of those who die. It is amazing. I have done a lot of research about life after death this week. Because we have an investigator who has been really interested and it has been really cool researching this topic. Because you know what?? EVERYTHING depends on what we do here on this earth. So we die and then we go to the spirit world. But there are two places of waiting. (Sorry I am not really good with all of the words for explaining this in English) Paradise and Spirit Prison. And those who accept Christ and have faith in him repent, and are baptized then receive the Holy Ghost and endure to the end of this life are in Paradise but those who don`t complete these steps are in prison. The Book of Mormon explains this perfect in Alma 40. I would love it if you guys could read this as a family. It really has been interesting to me as well as 2 Nephi 9. But really the interesting thing for me was when I got into it much deeper. When I researched D&C138, Mom and Dad I would love it if you guys could study this together, anyway I just don`t have the time to explain it all. But man! my mind has been blown. 1 Peter 4:6 also talks about the ministry of Christ when he died and went to the spirit world. So much yet to learn and how so many are waiting for the second coming of Christ and the resurrection. It is going to be so amazing. I just can`t wait!!
Anyway I love you all tons!
I hope you have a good week!
This week is the baptism of Clarita España! I would love it if you guys could pray for her! She has been kinda sick this week!
Love you!
Hermana Pack
Hahaha Life of transfers with Hermana Arellano!

Weekly planning..... How much I get tired of weekly planning.

Hermana Arellano :)

With the Elders that are in our ward with us in Boyacà  Elder Espinoza Elder Bichsel and Hermana Arellano

P day comida yummm tacos hahah

Best lunch without rice. Heck yes!

I hope you have the most amazing Birthday TODAY!!!!!! YAY!! I just want you to know you are the best dad in the entire world and there is no other person who has inspired me as you have. Thank you for your example and love. I love you so much! I hope you have an amazing day. I cannot believe I am not able to talk to you or call you! But just think that next year I sure will be able to! I love you so much dad. I know that you have been such an example to me and my siblings. thank you so much for your sacrifices for me and the family. I love you!
Your loving daughter and hard working missionary:)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

And that is a typical day in my mission life.

Hola,                                                                                     Sept. 22
Well I hope you all have had a great week! I am excited to see pictures of homecoming week! I hope you guys dress up! Danielle you better do it because it is your senior year! You have got to do all the fun stuff this year! High school really is tons of fun.
I have had a really great week. So this past week we have been so blessed to come to know so many great people here. There is a family that we met in this week and they are great. They came to church this past week. And their son is preparing for baptism. The only problem is that they have to get married first before they can join the church. But they really are great. Normally I don`t like to focus on people who aren`t married because usually it is a huge struggle for the whole marriage thing, but they really have already been able to see the blessings of the Lord in their lives. It is great. I think my favorite part of the mission is seeing how people can change. And how their lives can be impacted.
So Machala is pretty chill right now. It has cooled off a ton and I heard that the other inland cities are freezing hahaha. But for that I am really grateful.
I can`t believe Duncan came home and Krista left. Wow it is crazy to think that when I get back nobody will be there because they`ll all be on missions. haha But eh it is the best decision. :)
Hey mom did you figure out all that stuff with BYU?
Keep saying your prayers and living the gospel to it`s fullest. I love you all and appreciate your prayers.
Mom it really is a good goal to keep up your personal scripture study. There are so many amazing things in this gospel. You guys should read True to the Faith. It really is one  of the best books our there! It explains everything! haha every principle of the gospel!
Hey if you guys could pray a little extra for my companion she is really struggling with her health well actually her teeth. Her gums have gotten an infection from the water here and it would be great if you guys could pray for Hermana Teban.
Love you all tons! Until next week!
Hermana Pack

Hola,                                                                                                      Sept. 15
Well mom you asked for a little more about my life. Here is a run down of my life here in Machala with Hermana Teban.
6:30 Wake up pray brush my teeth and start exercising.
7:00 Eat something while Hermana Teban is showering. Usually yogurt with a fruit of some sort.
7:30 Shower and get ready.
8:00 Personal study (favorite time of the day)
9:00 Companionship study. Usually includes preach my gospel videos with practices for our investigators during the day
10:00 Language study. (My least favorite....)
10:30 we leave the house to pass by investigators to teach before lunch.
1:00 Lunch in a members house. This is the biggest meal of the day and we eat a ton and usually I leave stuffed even after I have asked them to give me just a little. Usually includes soup and always includes rice......
2:00 Teaching investigators
9:00 In the house planning for the next day
9:30 Paperwork
10:00 Talk with the other girls in the house about their day
10:20 Prayer
10:30 Asleep....
And that is a typical day in my mission life.

And Tuesdays we have meetings with the district and Saturdays we have meetings with the zones in the morning. And here in this ward we have church at 3:00 in the afternoon which is a little odd. But I like it.

Anyway life here is super good! This next week we have a baptism of Livia Soto and I would love it if you guys could pray for her and her family. Her family are recent converts and they need all of the prayers they can get.
I love you all tons and wish you a great week! I hope you enjoy my photos :)
Love you,
Hermana Pack
Our lovely pet hahaha. Gorda....

Waiting for the Hermana`s to write their families.

Waiting for lunch haha!

Lights out in the house

A GIANT BUNNY. haha but it was just roaming the house. I almost died. It is like a pet cat hahaha.

My zone :)

With my best friends :)

Made mac and cheese yummmmm!!

The name of our county is el oro!!
With Lucia who is preparing for the mission!

With Lucia and Antoniella!
Cooking as usual with Hermana Mann and Hermana Herrera

Hermana Mann teaching all of the Elders of the zone how to make scones. I almost died..... SO FUNNY.

More photos of the zone and Hermana Mann teaching about scones.